PhD in Pharmacology, Baylor College of Medicine.
Cornell undergrad. Houston-based.

Seeking a position growing with a dynamic team using data to solve difficult problems.

Let's Collaborate

Nice to Meet You

I'm a computational biologist with a passion for using genomic data to solve hard problems in biology and evolution. I specialize in population and comparative genomics of insects and primates. With extensive experience in wet and dry lab settings, I bring a unique perspective in managing a productive data pipeline.

I earned my PhD in Pharmacology from Baylor College of Medicine. In my doctoral work I designed and executed computational analyses to solve complex genomics problems, including how a diverse array of eukaryotic species explore their fitness landscape through the fitness effects of natural missense variation.

Experience - The Highlight Reel

  • school

    Cornell University

    B.S. Human Development

  • biotech

    Janelia Farm Research Complex

    Research Assistant

  • code

    Baylor College of Medicine

    Ph.D. Pharmacology


Varied experiences in professional and academic settings has exposed me to myriad methodologies. I believe that these skills and tools, when harnessed with a high-functioning team, have the power to unlock a world of discovery.

  • Wet and Dry Lab Expertise

    Designing and developing appropriate testing paradigms in vivo, in vitro, and in sillico

  • Molecular Biology

    Primer Design, PCR-PAGE, Western Blotting, Protein Extraction, DNA Extraction, Fly Husbandry, Immunohistochemistry, CNS Dissection, Microscopy, Image Analysis

  • Coding

    Jupyter Lab, Python 2 and 3, Seaborn, Matplotlib, Numpy, Scipy, Pandas, R, SLURM

  • Data Analysis

    Data Visualization, GraphPad Prism Data Cleaning, Machine Learning, Scripting, Microsoft Excel, Critical Thinking, Communication

  • Cell Biology

    Imunohistochemistry, Confocal Microscopy, Drosophila CNS Dissection, Light Microscopy

  • Comparative Genomics

    Orthologous Sequence Alignment, MUSCLE, BLAST, clustalW, pal2nal, PAML

  • Genomics Programs

    VEP, ANNOVAR, PolyPhen, GATK, Picard, BWA, Stampy, samtools, NCBI SRA

  • File Formats

    VCF, Bam, Sam, FastQ, Fasta

“Much learning does not teach understanding”

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Actively seeking employment opportunities.